About Us

The Directorate of Technical Education, Vocational and Industrial Training, Himachal Pradesh at Sundernagar is having the Administrative Control of its functional units in the State.  The Department of Technical Education, Vocational & Industrial Training is responsible for providing Technical Education, Vocational& Industrial Training in the State at various levels i.e.

  • ITI/VTC’s- Craftsmen Trade Course for skilled workers
  • Polytechnics - Diploma Courses for middle level technicians
  • Engineering/Pharmacy Colleges:- Undergraduate/Post-Graduate in Engineering and Technology/Pharmacy

Now the Department of Technical Education has administrative and financial control over the following institutions.

  • Government Engineering Colleges.
  • Private aided Engineering Colleges
  • Government Polytechnics
  • Government Women Polytechnics
  • Private Aided Polytechnics
  • Industrial Training Institutes
  • Industrial Training Centres
  • Vocational Training Centres
  • Heavy Earth Moving Operator School Una
  • Private Un-aided Institute Category wise


Activities of the Department 

  • Imparting Technical Education at Degree,Diploma and Certificate levels through   Government and private technical institutions like  Engineering Colleges, Polytechnics, ITIs, ITCs, VTCs etc.
  • Formulation, implementation and monitoring of plan schemes. 
  • Sanctioning of salaries and other grants to the Government institutions and the aided institutions.
  • Recognising private aided institutions, which are conducting courses with the permission of Government.
  • Arranging Apprenticeship Training to the Graduate and Diploma holders in Engineering/Technology.
  • Selection of faculty for higher studies and various courses under quality improvement programme.
  • Conduct of Degree,Diploma Examinations in all Engineering disciplines and Certificate Examinations in certain specialized courses.


Functions of the Directorate

Planning, implementation, administration and monitoring of all activities in the field of Technical Education in the State consistent with State and National Policies. 

To recommend to the Government on the basis of proper need analysis, the establishment of new Technical Institutions, consistent with the norms laid down by All India Council for Technical Education and other concerned Agencies. 

Planning and initiation of the introduction of new programmes in existing Technical Institutions based on human resource needs of the State/Nation.

To prescribe and periodically evaluate and revise curricula for Diploma and Certificate level programmes.

To ensure the availability of adequate staff and infrastructure in the Institutions.

To prepare the annual budget for Technical Education in the State consistent with the Development priorities.

To arrange disbursement of funds to various Institutions and to ensure their proper utilization.

Co-ordination for the matter of recruitments and promotions of all categories of Staff and to administer their postings and transfers in compliance with the rules.

Selection of faculty  for higher studies and various courses under Quality Improvement Programme.

To Arrange Apprenticeship Training for the Graduates and Diploma Holders in Engineering.

Main Objectives of the Department

To promote technical education in the State by setting up of new institutions in Govt. Sector and by way of providing assistance to private institutions. 

To provide quality education by effective monitoring of the standards of the institutions and to take initial corrective measure.

To disseminate the policies of Govt. w.r.t. Technical Education, Vocational & Industrial training systems.

To provided non-formal training to persons with disabilities to the economically weaker sections of the society and the rural youth, in order to generate self employment.

Continuing education for employed persons in Govt./Pvt. Sector.

Department of Technical Education, Vocational and Industrial Training plays a vital role in the socioeconomic development of the Country.  In this era of liberalization, industrialization and globalization, availability of skilled manpower of world class is of utmost necessity.  

There has been tremendous growth of industry in Himachal Pradesh in the last few years.  There has been consistent demand for semi skilled, skilled and highly skilled people from the industry and service sectors.  There is need of opening more and more technical and vocational institutions to churn out the skilled manpower as per the need of these.  The Department is laying stress on opening of at least one ITI/ITC in each assembly constituency and one Polytechnic in each district.  Further to encourage the private sector in the opening of Technical and vocational institutions in the State, the Department is extending all possible help to the private entrepreneurs required for this purpose.  

In order to maintain the quality of technical education in the private institutions, the Department is ensuring that the institutions established in the private sector fulfill the requirements of norms/guidelines of the regulatory bodies likes All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), Himachal Pradesh Technical  University, National Council for Technical Education (NCVT, Delhi) State Council for Vocational Training (SCVT) etc.

The Directorate of Technical Education, Vocational and Industrial Training came into existence in the year,1983 with 2 Polytechnics and 7 Industrial Training Institutes, 9 RIT’s, one Industrial Training School for boys & 15 Girls ITI’s with the Head Quarters at Sundernagar, Distt. Mandi on NH-21(Chandigarh Mandi Highway) and is located  125 K.M. from The State Capital Shimla and 177 K.M. from Chandigarh.  Over this period there has been considerable increase in the number of Technical Institutions in the State. The Department is responsible for providing Technical Education, Vocational & Industrial Training in the State at various levels i.e. 

ITI/VTC's- Craftsmen Trade Course for skilled workers

Polytechnics - Diploma Courses for middle level technicians

Engineering/Pharmacy Colleges:- Undergraduate/Post-Graduate in Engineering and  Technology/Pharmacy

The Directorate has two Wings. The Technical Education Wing the Department has been entrusted with the responsibility of managing Degree and Diploma level Technical Institutions in the State of Himachal Pradesh. The work in the Directorate is mostly governed by the norms, guidelines and regulations of All India Council for Technical Education which has been established under Central Act. 

The Industrial Training Wing of the Department has been entrusted with the responsibility of imparting training in Engineering and non-engineering trades to cater to the needs of the industry in respect of skilled workers. All the Industrial Training Institutes work under Craftsman Training Scheme of Government of India, Director - General Employment & Training under the directions of National Council of Vocational Training which is the apex body at Government of India level for coordinating development of Industrial Training in the country. Similar to the National Council for Vocational Training at the Central level the State Council for Vocational Training at the State level is responsible for coordinating the integrated development of Industrial Training.


The main motto of the technical institution is to provide superior quality trained manpower, having social commitment along with career advancement to meet the challenges and opportunities in thrown up by the fast evolving society in the 21st Century. 

It is our avowed ambition to synergize all the input factors to provide the best possible products to the Industry and the Country at large. 

Our institution will spare no means in moulding our students into wholesome individuals and be train blazer in the field of Science and Technology.

Last modified date : 26-06-2023
Updated On: 18/03/2025 - 15:53
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